If you are not citizen of a European Union, USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand or Japan, you will need a visa in order to study in Germany.

Please find all relevant information about your visa requirements on the following website: Auswärtiges Amt and the address of the consular services of your home country.

Please note: If you enter Federal Republic of Germany with a tourist visa, you will be allowed to stay for maximum period of 3 months. The tourist visa cannot be extended.

In order to complete your Visa application you will need a confirmation of registration for a German Language Intensive Course containing at least 20 lessons per week. To obtain this confirmation, 50% of the course fees are to be transferred beforehand. Some countries require full payment of all fees before the confirmation is issued.

You will need a medical insurance for your visa as well, such as Care Concept.

For the Letter of Sponsorship please contact your bank.

The processing of the application takes about 6 -8 weeks. We advice you to send in the application 3 months before the start of the course.

Please take notice of our General Conditions.